Plusses and Minuses

Life seems to be filled with two running columns of pluses and minuses.  For instance, that new baby is the cutest one ever born, but how about two hours of uninterrupted sleep? Looking at the eighth decade of life, it looks like the minus column is filling up while the pluses are fast disappearing.  Luxuriant locks have been replaced with graying, thinning hair.  The laps at the pool grow slower and slower and less and less.  The singing voice is now a croak, and a long hike in the woods is no longer to be thought of. 

But the mistake here is that all these things are external.  Life, which was based on looks, abilities and stature, is now very internal.  Who knows what songs we are singing in our hearts, or what mental mountains we may be climbing.  Who knows what memories we have to treasure or what growth we are still striving to achieve.  The plus column is just as full, but in a different way and one that can be infinitely satisfying.   Do not be put off by the slowing walk, or in inability to remember a name from decades of acquaintances.  Life is just as vibrant as ever, but in a different more subtle way. We are still here …. and hopefully growing.