Earning Jeans

Recently I stood in line behind a young woman who had on faded jeans with rips in the knees and the rear.  The rips were so revealing that I knew what kind of underwear she was wearing.  It’s not that I object to this current fashion statement, it is just that I grew up at a time where one had to earn those jeans ---- they were not waiting on a shelf for one to purchase.

One’s new jeans were a dark navy, and as stiff as a board.  They were made to last a lifetime.  They became faded the longer one wore them and became more treasured the lighter they became.  That faded color was the result of many repeated washings.  As for the holes, those were patched, or in the flower child era of my youth were sewn shut with colored threads and embroidered flowers.  

For the boys there were jean patches sold at the local fabric store that one could iron on to extend the life of a ripped knee or two.  No self-respecting mother would have sent her young male out in the world with holes in his jeans.  On a recent voyage of exploration at the local fabric store I could find none of these patches for sale anymore.  The rips are there to stay.

As I mentioned at the beginning, I did not object to that young woman’s fashion choice, I just felt a bit superior.  If I had owned those jeans, they would have been earned not bought.