The current crisis with Covid 19 has really made me feel my age. This is not so much because the virus seems to be more dangerous for us older members of society, but because I can do nothing to help with what is turning into a national emergency. I watch with admiration those working around the clock in hospitals; the police and firemen answering their community’s calls; the volunteers helping with testing; as well as scientists holed up in their labs trying to find a vaccine for this pandemic. I do not have anything to add in these arenas, and am forced to sit on the sidelines and watch.
However, there is one thing I can do, and that is be obedient. I can wear a mask and gloves, I can wash my hands, and I can stay at home as much as possible. But most importantly I can hold in my thought all of those out there who are suffering with this disease and its fallout, as well as those who are fighting it with their whole hearts. I can at least be a compassionate fellow citizen.