"You'll Just Have to Adjust"

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This phrase is often an unspoken comment indicated by a sigh or slightly raised eyebrow as I try and figure out whether this time I sign my name on the card machine or not, or if the card slides down at the side or jams in at the bottom, or if now some financial institution wants to know the name of my great-great grandmother before I can access my money. 

But sometimes it is said out loud as it was this morning at the car dealership.  Two lights had appeared on my dashboard indicating something was wrong with things I did not even know were on my car: a vehicle stability control system and an electronic throttle control system. Just to make conversation as the ticket was written up, I commented that cars were certainly complicated today.  Remember, I learned to drive when you had to not only turn on your signal indicator, but had to remember to turn it off after you had made the turn.  I also had to open and close my trunk with no assistance, not to mention winding my window up and down unaided.  The nice young man behind the counter looked up at me and said the magic words, although with a smile, “I guess you’ll just have to adjust.” 

And I do try to adjust, I really do.  But sometimes there is a belligerent person inside of me that just wants to revolt.  When I picked up my car I was told by a very serious young technician that my blogajetic had not been properly attached to my flinmaster and therefore it had broken the phalldadiddle and had caused the caution lights to come on.  At least that is what I heard.  And I have no intention of adjusting and finding out what any of that means.  All I cared about at the time was that it was under warranty, and I owed Toyota nothing.  And, what is more, I did not have to face their card machine and figure out what that particular machine wanted of me.  But as I left, the cheery girl behind the cashier counter that handed me the bill (with the lovely zero due at the bottom) said with a smile, “Remember to like us on Facebook.”  Oh, well………..