I recently came across this poem by Robert Frost. What an ability this Poet Laureate had to take simple words, couple them with original views, and turn out a poem with layers of meaning. I am in no way equipped to give a literary exposition on a poem. However, just let me say I hope that I never quench a young person’s fire, while I also hope that I do not have to be cracked and sprung to learn new things.
What Fifty Said
When I was young my teachers were the old.
I gave up fire for form till I was cold.
I suffered like a metal being cast.
I went to school to age to learn the past.
Now I am old my teachers are the young.
What can’t be molded must be cracked and sprung.
I strain at lessons fit to start a suture,
I go to school to youth to learn the future.
Robert Frost